Miele = Medical Imaging ELEments
DICOM Software
by Alex Bettarini

bettar logo software

How to apply for a licence file (part 2)

  • After you have sent out the email with the licence information as an attachment, allow for about 24 hours for the system to generate your licence file, which will be sent to you as a reply to your email
  • Save the licence file from the received email into you local file system.
  • Launch the application and select the licence file when prompted.

At this point you can run the application. We recommend that you:

  • check periodically for updates either manually or by selecting the automatic option in the application preferences. Your licence file will still be valid with the updates.


  • The first time you apply you will receive an evaluation licence with a validity of 3 months.
  • When you decide that you want to continue using the program beyond the initial evaluation period:
    • Please make a donation (any amount) towards the project.
    • Allow for a couple of days for your donation to be verified.
    • You will receive a 12-months licence file. Use it to overwrite your existing evaluation license file.
    • You will be able to participate in the developer forum.
    • All program updates in the 12-month period covered by your licence will be free.
  • When the developer has received enough donations to recover the (undisclosed) development costs, the application source code will be made open source.
3427 visits since 10 Jan 2022