Miele = Medical Imaging ELEments
DICOM Software
by Alex Bettarini

bettar logo software

How to apply for a licence file (part 1)

Personalised licence data must be sent to the developers via email. Please follow this procedure:

  1. Download the Windows or Linux version of the application from this web site
    (note that the Windows installer is still "untrusted" at this stage, so you will need to manually authorize the installation).
  2. Run the application: it will prompt you for the location of the licence file on your system. Click the Cancel button because you don't have the licence file yet.
  3. The application will present a dialog box asking for your details, required to generate a personalised licence file. After you fill in your details in the "licensee" section you have two options:

    • either click the button to Save your data to a file in your local file system which you can attach to an email
    • or click the button to launch your Email client with a prepared message that you can just "Send"
  4. Part 2

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